West Palm Beach Form

Reservation Request Form (West Palm Beach)

Instructions: Please complete this form in order to receive a quote for the cost of the trip.  Your trip is not confirmed until you receive an email from our office with the cost of the trip and respond to it stating you want to reserve the bus(es).

    School/Organization (required)

    Requestor's First Name (required)

    Requestor's Last Name (required)

    Requestor's E-mail (required)

    Group/Team (required)

    Bookkeepers E-mail (required)

    Bookkeeper Name (required)

    Note: “Invoice will be sent to Bookkeeper listed.”

    Fax No. (required)

    Phone No.

    Number of Buses (required)
    (2 per seat = 43 pass.) (3 per seat = 65 pass.)

    Date of Trip (required)

    Please add “One Date Per Form”


    Total $ [calculated calculated-129 "number-409 * 95"]

    Minimum Charge $475.00 for 4 Hours, Please add more hours as needed.

    Pick-Up Location Name and Address

    Pick-Up Location Name

    Address (required)

    City (required)

    State (required)

    ZIP (required)

    Loading Area (required)

    Pick-Up Time

    Person Traveling w/ Group
    (First Name) (required)

    Person Traveling w/ Group
    (Last Name) (required)

    Contact Person Emergency
    Phone No (required)

    Destination Location Name and Address

    Location Name (required)

    Address (required)

    City (required)

    State (required)

    ZIP (required)

    Departure Time (required)

    Special Instructions

    Payment Information

    District PO

    Enter PO Number:

    School Check


    I'm paying my invoice online with a credit card (required)

    I'm paying my invoice cash:

    One day cancellation notice required to avoid minimum payment of $100.00 USD (PER BUS), the cancellations need to be made during business hour from 8:00 AM to 3:00 Pm Monday thru Friday


    Cancellations must be done via e-mail ONLY. Phone cancellations will not be accepted.

    Changes to the reservations must be done via e-mail ONLY.

    A charge of 2.5% will be applied to invoices over 30 days old.

    Bus (es) must depart destination at the designated time. Late buses are subject to additional costs.

    By signing you agree to the Terms & Conditions. (Please print name in lieu of signature.) Requestor's Signature:

    Signature Date:

    Note: Your trip is not confirmed until you receive an e-mail confirming your bus (es).

    This is NOT a confirmation.
    YOUR RESERVATION IS NOT COMPLETE. You will be receiving an email from our office stating the cost of the trip. Once you receive the cost you must reply to that email in order to reserve the bus(es). Your reservation is NOT confirmed until you receive a confirmation email from our office